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Financial Options and Benefits of Financing Solar Panels

Amazon Solar is proud to aid in financing your residential or commercial solar projects. For those looking to purchase their solar panel system, solar loans are a great financing option.

  • Solar energy users can finance the entire cost of their system with the many solar energy loans that are available on the market.
  • Savings on your energy bill will be greater than your loan’s monthly payments which allow you to start saving as soon as your solar system is installed.
  • There are generous tax credits, production-based incentives, and financing options available in Florida. We are here to help with our experienced staff at Amazon Solar.  Come explore the options that work best for you!

Have you been denied credit for your solar system?

At Amazon Solar, we believe everyone should have the right to go solar.  We offer all of our client’s credit counseling with a money-back guarantee if we cannot lift your score and get you approved for solar.

Click Here for Credit Repair


Florida Solar Tax Credits

There is a reason why Florida is called the Sunshine State and you can take advantage of the many tax credits Florida and federal offerings.

Florida Net Metering

Net energy metering is one of the best reasons to add solar to your home or business.
Your utility will buy excess energy from you any time that your home solar system creates more energy than you need and will pay you in the form of energy credits that you can use at night or on cloudy days.
Florida law requires net metering customers are compensated at the retail rate and customers are credited for the energy produced by their solar systems at their electricity rate.

Learn more

How Much Does Solar Increase Your Property’s Value?

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory conducted research when determining how much your property’s value will go up. According to its research, each additional $1 in energy bill savings (from your solar installation) adds $20 to your home’s total value.

  • This rule of thumb varies depending on a number of factors, including:
  • The location of your home
  • The size of your installation
  • The current value of your home.

How much can you save with solar panels for your home or office?

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